Friday, October 19, 2018

In the Temple...

Dream date: September 26th, 2018

Anders and I had spent the day in a family history library which was situated above the door of the temple. Anders was working hard, but I had been talking to people instead of doing the research with him.
We realized it was time to go inside, so We went into the temple lobby, but stayed there until we felt clear enough to go in. There were women getting ready for marriage and families leaving the temple. I stopped to help an old man with his walker.
As we went further into the temple, there were huge, glass staircases and palm trees and a waterfall inside! We got lost a few times because it was different than any we had seen before.
We finally made it to the room where the session would take place and Mom and Dad had saved us seats next to them!
I felt so embarrassed to realize that I hadn’t brought the name of an ancestor to do the session for! I dug in my pockets but all I had was my phone. I could see clearly in my mind the face of a Polynesian woman who’s name I was supposed to have brought, but I wasn’t prepared. Anders had to hand me a name ha had prepared so I could go sit down and focus on the beautiful teachings of the temple. Felt unprepared and rushed.

personal interpretation/comments:
I would suspect that I was seeing an actual temple/teaching place in the spirit world. (This wouldn’t be the first time)
At the time I had this dream, I think I was much too reliant on my phone, which was distractin* me from getting more important things done-like learning about my ancestors and helping spirits to progress!
Perhaps also a lesson to me that Anders is focused on things of eternal importance although I may not realize it every day ;)
Comment with your thoughts!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Snack Time

Dream date:Oct. 18th, 2018
 Dream: I was eating a large Crystal, purple Geode, that was covered in chocolate sauce. Somehow taking chunks out with a spoon and eating it.
 Your personal interpretation/comments: you tell me... 😊