Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Dream Spaces... (Church, School, Castle, Ship)

 Dream date: 7/1/1

I wanted to post some insight on the spaces that a few of my dreams have been taking place lately.

I had a dream last night that was pretty extensive and I am still thinking over it, in short though, it went like this:

I was walking through a corridor of a big, square, castle, trying to find the way out. A man was in charge of it and I knew he wouldn't permit me to leave before I met certain requirements/finished a certain assignment. (it was a man from Pennsylvania who I really grew to love while I served as a missionary, a loving Bishop). This castle was HUGE, big grey stone with an inner square with tall towers on all 4 corners, a corridor with red carpet, and then an outer wall with tiny windows that didn't allow me to see outside much.
The castle , however large, was held on the deck of an even larger ship (like a pirate/sailing ship).
I went down "below deck" into the belly of the boat, which was a church building with classrooms, a gym for playing, lots of people I knew. I spent time helping others finish an assignment and socializing so as not to offend anyone. I spent ALL my time doing those things and then when it came close to the deadline when my assignment was due, I couldn't even get started, there was no time left.
 Your personal interpretation/comments:
Hopefully you can see my picture well enough. As I wrote this dream down, it became clear to me that the space everything took place in was not random at all. it's actually a VERY good representation of different parts of my conscious right now in life!
I asked myself what each peace of the "dream set" reminded me of and this is what I jotted down in my journal:
CASTLE: Solid, Safe, also confining, can't see outside, closed in, Protected, whether I leave or not controlled by a man (or "mankind"). I think this represents my current/present reality and how I view my life possibilities. It has been hard for me to see afar off and understand where I am headed in life right now/my higher goals.
SHIP: sailing on uncharted waters, unknown destination, a sea of endless possibilities, adventures and voyages. Older ship=generations of knowledge and wisdom upholding me (sometimes unbeknownst to myself). I may not always know remember I am on a huge ship, and I may not know the destination, but what I do know is someone who Loves Me is the Captain of this ship and I have complete trust in Him!!!
Below Deck/Church/School: My subconscious processes, basic programming, deeply ingrained Beliefs/functions, obligations I have subconsciously taken on, in this specific dream it also appeared crowded with a bunch of people-social expectations I have accepted that actually are not serving me?

I would LOVE for you to comment with a place you revisit in your dreams and your thoughts on what it represents to you.

afterthought: below deck could be my mind, the castle could be my body/physical reality, and the ship could be my spirituality/higher self/connection to God
funny how the place that feels the safest and most peaceful is the uncharted territory where I know my God is really in charge!