Friday, June 12, 2020

Do not forget the Atoning Blood of Jesus Christ

 Dream date: today! 6/12/2020
In the basement (home in Utah) with Jenny, Zion and Heather sitting on the couches. I am sitting on the floor and we are watching a movie:
 The movie has an autumn-time, "dead poet society" feeling to it. In it, there is a young girl who goes out with all her hooded friends. They stumble upon the energy of a Ghost in utter Anguish! This ghost seems like someone who would have been a slave owner, a very abusive one. Someone from the deep south who has hurt a lot of people in his life. All the people present are picking up on this ghost's energy and how much pain and regret he feels, not being able to let it go alone and without a physical body. The girl bravely stands in the middle of a circle of her friends. A kind, knowing teacher guides her to speak for this trapped spirit and begin to declare Healing and Release. She says something like "I call on the atoning Blood of Jesus Christ to clean my soul!" and the wind picks up dramatically, swirling in a circle around her as the anguish and pain of this spirit is being processed and released. A POWERFUL presence is felt in the wind, like Christ is there whisking away all the pain, regret, years of sorrow.

Meanwhile, while watching this movie, I have accidentally cut my arm and I am bleeding everywhere. I don't want to disturb Jenny, Zion or Heather while they are watching the movie, so I try to stop the bleeding by myself. It isn't working. Blood drips onto my other arm and the carpet.
I get a towel and dish soap and start to scrub each spot on the carpet. my shoulders ache. I recognize that my heart pumps harder due to my being pregnant, so I am bleeding much more than usual.
The stains don't come up easily.
I open the cupboards next to me to find piles of autumn leaves, some of which also have blood spots that I try to scrub off.
Meanwhile I am watching the movie still and thinking about how healing only comes through Christ.

I woke up this morning confused as to where I was because this dream felt so physically vivid and real!
I have the lingering feeling (still!) that I need to share this dreams. It feels urgent that I remind myself and people around me that we cannot move forward without Christ's help at this time.
I have so many personal things I am trying to work through and I am forgetting to utilize the Power of Jesus Christ as I do so!
The world is having so many "old stains" resurface right now and we cannot collectively move through this without His Atoning Sacrifice!
We do a shoddy job of scrubbing blood stains by ourselves. He knows how to easily, lovingly, remove them completely and permanently.

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