Tuesday, June 4, 2019

It's like this...

Wed, May 29th. 

I had asked the question "why don't the answers for what I'm struggling with in my life come faster? why do they have to come all broken up into small peaces?"
I was in a big clearing of forest with some friends. We were adults but acting like little kids. We were playing pretend like we were super heroes, but we were sure that we actually were going to get super powers for real. (In daily conversation with people I keep referring to learning  spiritual gifts and creating conscious spiritual connections with people as "superpowers") there was a big dress up box and I was grabbing out a cape to put it on and fly with and Wes (I think just representing the divine masculine or God) kind of catches me like
"Woah woah, don't get too excited. this is serious. it's not easy to know all this stuff, it's complicated" 
and the little kid-ish me was like
"nuh uh, what do you mean!?"
and it was this like odd moment of me seeing god's shinning eyes laughing silently at my innocence and then he just said "it's like this"
and instead of an explanation, I was just shown an image of waves on the shore of the ocean going up and down and in and out. 
The point was that learning comes in waves. and it has it's cycles. 
we move forward and rush in on what we want to understand, we get a glimpse of it, and then are pulled a bit further away back up to breathe a bit and process. 

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Thanks for sharing this with such clarity!
    I forgot how well you interpret dreams. It's also really cool how clear this dream is to you!
    I like thinking about how learning has both waves AND cycles (like tides). In school we learned how our body rhythms (like breathing, heartbeat, cranial rhythm) all have "top waves" that are easy to pick up on, "under currents" that come and go more slowly, and "tides" even slower. You can track rhythms in every living thing. Even a rock will show forth a pulse, although it may only beat once every 100 years ;)
