Friday, June 14, 2019

Wild BEing

Dream date:Monday June 3rd, 2019

  Dream: I was traveling through a dense jungle with two guys my age (guides/friends I believe) we were having to swing on rope swings and go down these log slides and I felt like that happened for awhile. next scene I was in a clearing surrounded by the jungle. I was staring at another part of myself. we were face to face looking into each others eyes. I could sense that she was being restrained with a hand holding her tight by her hair and another keeping her hands behind her back. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing heavy like a wild animal. I was frightened honestly. and at the same time I was saying over and over to her, "I Love You, I Love You, I Love You," the picture folded backwards as if we were falling back into being one and I was then watching a medicine woman with long dreaded hair, closing her eyes and swaying her body and hands, she was humming and out of the hum she said, " you have a hook right here," as she said this she placed her thumb on the very right side of my sternum on my chest, right where I have always had a "rib issue"  (been going to the chiropractor my whole life until I moved to Hawaii and now my body will restructure itself on its own) She slid her thumb upwards towards my neck and off. There was another lady sitting there at this jungle table but I couldn't see her face and she never spoke. she was dressed modern day though.

Your personal interpretation/comments: Earlier in the week I had done an awareness practice with my friend Steven (similiar to sitting with Linda although it is self guided and improvisational and more beneficial than i could ever tell you.) I had said that there was a part of myself that I was terrified of, that felt like she was destruction and doom. we ended up working more on the part of me that had shaped itself as a barrier between this part of me and me, lol. The barrier is neutral and allowed me to shift into wings like an angel, to allow breathe to come through. I was grateful as we did all this because even though I am committed and determined to my Whole Self I felt fear as I was telling the barrier to allow me passage to communicate with this part of me that I fear. So the dream happening as a result of all of this work was incredibly exciting to say the least. My Astral self showing me the continuation and playing it out as an experiential dream was Powerful. Thanks for allowing me to share with you guys and feel free to comment.


  1. It appears that you are able to see clearly what is there spiritually. I believe that you have given the interpretation in telling this. The only thing that would be interesting to know is where the hook came from. But it may not matter at this point because it was removed. Thank you for allowing yourself to work through and share this.💜 Mom

    1. That is interesting mom. I have seen hooks in people. the ones I have seen are either black or purple and usually placed there by someone who is controlling or manipulative.

  2. I think sometimes the hooks represent attachments we didn't consciously accept or know about. because when I've seen healthy attachments it looks more like roots or just energy that hold them in.
